The moon looks cold and lonely. Don't know. Don't know. Don't know if I should move there. I need a giant lantern. There's no electricity here where I live. We haven't invented it yet. We use worms. The kind that glow. You put 'em inside a tube with a crystal lens; a Giant Lantern. I have a friend living there, on the moon. I'll send him some signals. To see if can stay there for a week or so.
but there's a very disturbing mole around who's been eating some glowing worms. and I need lots of glowing worms to have a light beam strong enough. the moon is quite faraway.
Another thing; the kids have been playing south, in the village of Benicassim;
some of them had sun exposure problems. too much sun is bad... they went to festival and camped for four days. and they had free drinks. a complicated combination.
*els meus abduïts seguidors, nois i noies, al.lots i al.lotetes que formen la banda de massapà diuen que hauria de sortir de la meva casa dins el forat, devall de l’arbre, i anar-me de vacances. A una casa d’estiu que m’han trobat, tot avall, cap al sud d’on jo visc o anar directament a la lluna.
M’han regalat un llibre per explicar-me que això darrer és possible. [foto de la Terra a la Lluna]
La lluna té un aspecte fred i solitari, no ho sé no sé, no ho veig clar. Neccesit una llanterna gegant. No hi ha electricitat aquí on jo visc. Encara no sabem fer-ne. Aixi que em de reunir cucs. Dels que brillen. I ficar-los dins un tub amb un vidre. (Llanterna gegant). Tinc un amic que viu a la lluna, i li faré senyals per saber si puc estar-hi un dia o dos.