"We are in London, mr Marzipan, 150 miles or so from where you live, doing some shows and playing your songs,
this was last tuesday,
at the BBC club, at the BBC, in Great Portland Street;"
"Following your instructions, we´re now using x-ray photographs as a musical instrument. When are you gonna send us a Triangle and a violin girl player?"
[press here for better image quality]
"Esteim a Londres, home de massapà, a 150 milles d'on vius, fent concerts i tocant les teves cançons,
el video és de passat dimarts,
al BBC club, a la BBC, al carrer Great Portland.
Segint les teves ordres, ara utilitzem una radiografia com a instrument musical. Quan ens enviaràs un triangle i una violinista?"
dijous, 16 d’octubre del 2008
dissabte, 4 d’octubre del 2008
Full Circle 3

Luko took this photograph, before goin' to the "Germandat" tour,
later known as the "Pillats" tour.
later known as the "Pillats" tour.
Where, among other things, el Prehome dissapeared inside a bathroom, while Josepitu and le Poulet, after 6 tequila shots, realized they could play drums. a-ma-zin-gly-well. after, they totally crashed and Emma-bat picked up the pieces. Then feed them with the best sandwich ever.
The day after, Hungover told us we play percussion like shit,
and that the sandwich had disgusting cream cheese.
Sundanese-Gamelan music is perfect van-hangover music;
The day after, Hungover told us we play percussion like shit,
and that the sandwich had disgusting cream cheese.
Sundanese-Gamelan music is perfect van-hangover music;
A la foto feta per en Lukito-xaval, en blanc i negre, els quatre elements de la gira Germandat, després coneguda com la gira "Pillats", on entre altres coses, el Prehome va desaparèixer dins un wàter, le Poulet i en Joselito vàren descobrir que amb sis tequiles seguits podien tocar la bateria-de-puta-mare (mentida) i els entrepans de formatge de n'Emmanuelle-rata-pinyada son els millors. (son en realitat de formatge cremós-fastigós).
La millor música per la furgo-resaca és la música Sundanesa-Gamelan.
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