divendres, 5 de novembre del 2010

dimarts, 27 de juliol del 2010

7" vinyl 45rpm 10/10/2010

When Little Johanna Dances/Pine Box Rock

is a 7 inches vinyl, that plays at 45 revolutions per minute,
and has a big hole in the middle.

You can buy it here; via paypal,

Johanna is a girl that's developing plenty and "uncamouflagable" female attributes,
and the moment some kids realise that,
is the moment she starts an impromtu dancing.

Next day, her dancing is the main topic talk in the school,
and maths levels/rates are droping proportionally,

lyrics (in english and catalan)

Why the hell are you so heavy with me?
I just wanna make you smile
and take you to heaven where everything commenced,
and the plot of this story was carefully designed

I Kiss your lips, I kiss your lips,
that's the recurring dream I always have

You're moving hips, you're swinging hips,
drive the flowers and the bees to a strike

You know I'm out of love,
so why you leave me here begging and on my knees?

Since little Johanna dances
all the kids drop their marks
for a party in her heart commenced
who can be bothered with which mark I get in maths?

Once upon a time, in a trance, in dreams,
you said baby, baby, please, come closer,
please, don't go

/ / /

Perquè dimonis ets tan dura amb jo?

només et vull fer somriure,

i durte al cel, on tot va començar,

i l'argument d'aquesta història va ser acuradament dissenyat.

Et beso als llavis,

et beso els llavis,

És el somni recurrent que sempre he tingut,

les teves caderes quan es mouen,

fan que les flors i les abelles es posin en vaga,

Desde que la Joana balla,

les notes han començat a devallar

Desde que en el seu cor ha començat una festa,

A qui li pot importar ja les mates i la ciència?

i saps que estic completament penjat per tu,

perquè em deixes aqui suplicant,

saps que estic complentament colat per tu,

perquè em deixes aqui suplicant,

de genolls.

Hi havia una vegada... en un somni,

en trànsit,

em vares dir;

estimat, no te'n vaguis, vine mes aprop,

per favor, no te'n vaguis...

dissabte, 9 de gener del 2010

All the pretty little horses

here's the cover played last year on Radiocassette,
a radio program on IB3 Ràdio,
there's many many covers of this song,
and, well,
there's not enough of them,
here's another one.

The lyrics are beautiful, its an old traditional song from an unknown author,
(at least that's what the wikipedia says).

we recorded 4 other songs that same day,
two of them from the marzipan man's first record,
and they've changed quite a bit playing 'em live,
some have vocals now and new lyrics:

Como prometía la anterior entrada de este diario,
aquí está la versión de "Todos los caballos pequeños" que solemos tocar en directo.
Según dice la wikipedia, es de autor desconocido, pero probablemente de una esclava del sur de los estados unidos cantando a un bebé a quien está cuidando.
La letra es muy bonita y hay un montón de versiones diferentes dando vueltas por el mundo.
También tocamos cuatro más, en el programa de radio "Radiocassette", en IB3, de Marcos Jávega; dos versiones mas y dos del primer disco del marzipan man,
que a base de rodarlas en directo han desarrollado nuevas partes y letras.
 Se tocan ya solas, casi.