The marzipan man is on the road, disguised in various incarnations spinning spinning like a "baldufa". There are videos being made in the lab, this one is kinda the video script for two or three videos... some ideas thrown to the wall... some sticked and some not... let's post it anyway...
the music appeared and was played on a sofa, a time warp and portal in Girona, with a little amp, a keyboard that doesn't really work properly and something else. we don't really remember...
L'home de massapà està sempre a la carretera, disfressat i donant voltes i voltes com una baldufa. Té un laboratori on fa vídeos., i això més o menys, és un vídeo amb idees per dos i tres vídeos, si t'esforçes molt i t'ho imagines... idees llençades contra la paret... algunes s'han enganxat i d'altres no... penje-m'ho igualment a internet...
la música del vídeo va apareixer tombat a un sofà... a una porta temporal que hi ha a Girona, amb un teclat romput un amplificador petit i d'altres coses que no recordam. Hi toquen tres tipos; el marzipan, el prehome indefinit i el jose domingo...
dijous, 22 de setembre del 2011
dimarts, 10 de maig del 2011
The Marzipan Adventures Video Scripts
video making...
the statue of liberty,goin' east, outside Mallorca, prayin' and smiling,
inside an ashtray at the UN, (playing and smoking)

The concept for a video:
yes, we're doing concerts here and there, yes
but we're very very small, and nobody seems to notice us,
but we're right there playing
take a look,
yes we're there,
this is what's pictured in a video on the making,
this makes sense to some people and to us.
-here comes a promotional moment:-
After escaping from a rock where he was locked for years and years, the marzipan man, some say, was seen walking the earth whistling a tune, hiding behind some bushes, crawling on the floor and doing the mashed potatoes, alligator.
it's on sale here:
it has a nice cover, with a 14 page story...
dimarts, 12 d’abril del 2011
update 29.9.2010.

[ last update: 29.9.2010. ] is on the loose this days, taking snapshots with a soul grabbing camera... (...) he lived for many years under the roots of a big tree, sharing the place with two rabbits, never came out of his home, and stayed all day there writing stories (...) he tied a bunch of them with a string and called it the marzipan man stories. He found socializing difficult, so he became a puppeter (...) but one thing was missing: the puppets. He needed ones that could sing and dance. He found some. They are playing somewhere and trying to make sense of the lyrics while singin them.
the image on top is the background ilustration of "When Little Johanna Dances/Pine Box Rock 7" ", available in 7" vinyl/free download
la imatge de fons és la il-lustració de contraportada del primer single de "When Little Johanna Dances/Pine Box Rock 7" ", disponible en 7" vinyl/descàrrega gratuita
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