video making...
the statue of liberty,goin' east, outside Mallorca, prayin' and smiling,
inside an ashtray at the UN, (playing and smoking)

The concept for a video:
yes, we're doing concerts here and there, yes
but we're very very small, and nobody seems to notice us,
but we're right there playing
take a look,
yes we're there,
this is what's pictured in a video on the making,
this makes sense to some people and to us.
-here comes a promotional moment:-
After escaping from a rock where he was locked for years and years, the marzipan man, some say, was seen walking the earth whistling a tune, hiding behind some bushes, crawling on the floor and doing the mashed potatoes, alligator.
it's on sale here:
it has a nice cover, with a 14 page story...