dimarts, 10 de maig del 2011

The Marzipan Adventures Video Scripts

video making...

the statue of liberty,

goin' east, outside Mallorca, prayin' and smiling,

inside an ashtray at the UN, (playing and smoking)

The concept for a video:

yes, we're doing concerts here and there, yes
but we're very very small, and nobody seems to notice us,
but we're right there playing
take a look,
yes we're there,
this is what's pictured in a video on the making,

this makes sense to some people and to us.

-here comes a promotional moment:-

After escaping from a rock where he was locked for years and years, the marzipan man, some say, was seen walking the earth whistling a tune, hiding behind some bushes, crawling on the floor and doing the mashed potatoes, alligator.

it's on sale here:

it has a nice cover, with a 14 page story...