Der Marzipan Man; / Benvolgut Home de Massapà;
Berlin its a great place for many reasons, / Berlin és un lloc fantàstic. Per moltes raons.
two of them are: / dues d'aquestes raons són:
1. you can go and ask for spaghetti at 2 am in the morning, in a Café,
near a Tube station,
1.pots anar i demanar spagettis a les dues del matí, a un cafè, devora el metro,
2. trains arrive before its scheduled time,
so you nearly feel like paying the train fare.
2.els temps arriben abans de l'hora prevista, així que fa quasi ganes pagar el tiquet
We've made a lot of new friends, / em fet molts d'amics,
two of them are: / dos d'ells son:
1. Tiba, the male dog who is confused with its female name,
1.Tiba, el ca confòs per tenir nome de cussa.
and 2. Michael Heart, who took lots of photographs (like the one above and the one downstairs) and made us climb, jump and fight;
i 2. En Michael Heart, que ens va fer moltes fotos (les que hi han amunt i devall d'aquest missatge) i ens va fer saltar, escalar i lluitar.

to communicate we use a horn now; its more than enough
ara, per comunicar-mos, utilitzem una botzina; n'hi ha mes que suficient