divendres, 17 de febrer del 2023
The New Sun. (recording The New Sun)
La bateria s'il·lumina quan li pegues un cop. No és bonic això?
no era aquest asterisc: # la senyal del 3 en ratlla?:
dissabte, 3 d’abril del 2021
Space Cradle
the story of this one:
the earth is fucked for humans to live in, and the last resort is sending embryos or fetuses or sleeping babies or sleeping kids. Well, let's settle with that in this trip there's no adults allowed. They travel in very big spaceships that can sustain life in a some sort of hibernation sort and they are traveling to alfa centaury where it seems there's a planet or a moon where humans can live in. but if it's not earthlike and therefore easy to live there they will have to keep traveling. The spaceship- the show -everything - is run by robots. kind, wise robots, well programmed. It starts as a sad song, but then, well, the kids are alright, sleeping safe and warm in giant incubators.
if this was a tv series or a book or a comic book it would be the first chapter or introduction. One thing it already is, in fact, is the first chapter of the marzipan man's third record. Second chapter it will be finished in two months or so. Its provisionally called "Head on to The New Sun"
Space Cradle. "Bressol Espacial".
La història que mes o menys s'explica en aquesta cançó, (perquè a la lletra cantada no m'hi ha capigut tot) és que la Terra s'ha convertit en un planeta inòspit per als humans, i que l'últim recurs que li queda a la humanitat és enviar embrions o vida latent o en potència o similars dins naus espacials gegantines pilotades per robots programats amb les lleis de la robòtica d'Asimov. Com que això és una imatge no molt bucòlica doncs hi he canviat i la nau és ara una gran incubadora on hi van bebès. Estan viatjant primer cap a la estrella més pròxima; Pròxima Centauri, i allà esperen trobar un planeta o lluna habitable.
Aquest és el primer capítol de the marzipan man 3. El segon es diu provisionalment "El Nou Sol" i estarà acabat esperho d'aqui dos mesos.
dimecres, 31 de març del 2021
Swing Space Cradle Swing
This is the riff of the first song of the Marzipan Man's third record. The Marzipan Man's 3rd record has different work in progress names:
Marzipan Man 3
The Marzipan Man Travels
The Marzipan Man Troubles
12 ways of leaving the earth
12 ways of escaping Earth's gravity
well, it takes ages to finish a song because I don't have a release date
I don't want a release date
but I probably need one
here's the riff. the computer helped me writting it down on paper. well, a program in the computer. made by programmers. blah blah blah. mmm yes. the song the song is about space travel. a nursery with sleeping kids. they are sleeping because its a long travel. a travel to a new world. -excuse me I'm not checking the spelling of this I'm writting -
they are traveling in a space cradle. The space ship is space cradle. Robots take care of everything. They are gonna wake up the kids when they find an earthlike planet.
dimecres, 5 de juny del 2019
My life as a tragicomical superhero
a superhero. a guy wearing a cape. maybe a mask. or a fake mustache. saving pidgeons and kits from being hit by a car.
divendres, 29 de setembre del 2017
Say yeah
its a kind of difficult thing to do,
a third album.
You see, the first can have anything inside it, really
and the second is supposed to be an improvement
and it has to be bigger
because we need to be improving all the time no?
it's the law
a capitalist law
its forbidden to not improve
here I am singing using my soundsystem. The place is called Novo Café Lisboa. The guy who booked me is Àngel. The camera guy is Lluis. The sound guy is Chano. Me? I'm Johnny now.
the third the third it exists because there's has to be a third
because the show must go on
-I don't know-
The marziplan plan is to make three records
because I like trilogies in movies
because two is not enough
and three is the magic number
well the marzipan man has some torch songs in it.
I read this in the wikipedia:
A torch song is a sentimental love song, typically one in which the singer laments an unrequited or lost love, either where one party is oblivious to the existence of the other, where one party has moved on, or where a romantic affair has affected the relationship.
The term comes from the saying, "to carry a torch for someone", or to keep aflame the light of an unrequited love
Female singers of the pop vocal tradition are referred to as torch singers when their repertoire consists predominantly of material of that nature. Though torch songs were usually previously associated with female singers, in recent years the term has also been applied to male singers, most notably Frank Sinatra
Well, say yeah is a torch song, and a torch is also a lantern.
I love wikipedia.
you can find em in trash cans all around the city
i read them when I go to the bathroom
and I sometimes cut them with my scissors
dimecres, 30 de novembre del 2016
M'agrada molt aquesta foto
M'agrada molt aquesta foto de n'Irene Serrat, feta durant la que va ser la darrera i definitiva edició del festival Estunart, Banyoles, 2016.
I really like this photograph of Jordix, it was taken by Irene Serrat, during the last and final adition of a festival called Estunart, in Banyoles, 2016.
Rider Marzipan Man Solo
Això és el que neccesit per fer un concert, res mes.
dilluns, 10 de juny del 2013
Marzipan Man's third way
You have to be mad for not being mad about, you now, monkeys
and here's a live recording of a monkey song. About destructive / constructive monkeys from out of space, and this is the catalan sung version (with subtitles) performed April 7th at the "Teatre Mar i Terra" in Santa Catalina, Palma, Mallorca:
diumenge, 29 de juliol del 2012
Crash Bandicott Live in BCN
the video you can see on the screen is the video we use for the projections of "Crash Bandicott" a song about a wolf who works as a broker in the City, in London, and one day awakes and finds himself with a discount sticker attached to his front. the sound comes from a live rendition of this song by the marzipan man ensamble, the band, oh, the myth
dijous, 22 de setembre del 2011
it's all about videos this days...
the music appeared and was played on a sofa, a time warp and portal in Girona, with a little amp, a keyboard that doesn't really work properly and something else. we don't really remember...
L'home de massapà està sempre a la carretera, disfressat i donant voltes i voltes com una baldufa. Té un laboratori on fa vídeos., i això més o menys, és un vídeo amb idees per dos i tres vídeos, si t'esforçes molt i t'ho imagines... idees llençades contra la paret... algunes s'han enganxat i d'altres no... penje-m'ho igualment a internet...
la música del vídeo va apareixer tombat a un sofà... a una porta temporal que hi ha a Girona, amb un teclat romput un amplificador petit i d'altres coses que no recordam. Hi toquen tres tipos; el marzipan, el prehome indefinit i el jose domingo...
dimarts, 10 de maig del 2011
The Marzipan Adventures Video Scripts
the statue of liberty,
goin' east, outside Mallorca, prayin' and smiling,
inside an ashtray at the UN, (playing and smoking)
The concept for a video:
yes, we're doing concerts here and there, yes
but we're very very small, and nobody seems to notice us,
but we're right there playing
take a look,
yes we're there,
this is what's pictured in a video on the making,
this makes sense to some people and to us.
-here comes a promotional moment:-
After escaping from a rock where he was locked for years and years, the marzipan man, some say, was seen walking the earth whistling a tune, hiding behind some bushes, crawling on the floor and doing the mashed potatoes, alligator.
it's on sale here:
it has a nice cover, with a 14 page story...
dimarts, 12 d’abril del 2011
update 29.9.2010.
[ last update: 29.9.2010. ] is on the loose this days, taking snapshots with a soul grabbing camera... (...) he lived for many years under the roots of a big tree, sharing the place with two rabbits, never came out of his home, and stayed all day there writing stories (...) he tied a bunch of them with a string and called it the marzipan man stories. He found socializing difficult, so he became a puppeter (...) but one thing was missing: the puppets. He needed ones that could sing and dance. He found some. They are playing somewhere and trying to make sense of the lyrics while singin them.
the image on top is the background ilustration of "When Little Johanna Dances/Pine Box Rock 7" ", available in 7" vinyl/free download
la imatge de fons és la il-lustració de contraportada del primer single de "When Little Johanna Dances/Pine Box Rock 7" ", disponible en 7" vinyl/descàrrega gratuita
- Shop - Facebook - Myspace - Bandcamp - Primeros Pasitos -
divendres, 5 de novembre del 2010
dimarts, 27 de juliol del 2010
7" vinyl 45rpm 10/10/2010
Johanna is a girl that's developing plenty and "uncamouflagable" female attributes,
Perquè dimonis ets tan dura amb jo?
només et vull fer somriure,
i durte al cel, on tot va començar,
i l'argument d'aquesta història va ser acuradament dissenyat.
Et beso als llavis,
et beso els llavis,
És el somni recurrent que sempre he tingut,
les teves caderes quan es mouen,
fan que les flors i les abelles es posin en vaga,
Desde que la Joana balla,
les notes han començat a devallar
Desde que en el seu cor ha començat una festa,
A qui li pot importar ja les mates i la ciència?
i saps que estic completament penjat per tu,
perquè em deixes aqui suplicant,
saps que estic complentament colat per tu,
perquè em deixes aqui suplicant,
de genolls.
Hi havia una vegada... en un somni,
en trànsit,
em vares dir;
estimat, no te'n vaguis, vine mes aprop,
per favor, no te'n vaguis...
dissabte, 9 de gener del 2010
All the pretty little horses
here's the cover played last year on Radiocassette,
a radio program on IB3 Ràdio,
there's many many covers of this song,
and, well,
there's not enough of them,
here's another one.
The lyrics are beautiful, its an old traditional song from an unknown author,
(at least that's what the wikipedia says).
we recorded 4 other songs that same day,
two of them from the marzipan man's first record,
and they've changed quite a bit playing 'em live,
some have vocals now and new lyrics:
Como prometía la anterior entrada de este diario,
aquí está la versión de "Todos los caballos pequeños" que solemos tocar en directo.
Según dice la wikipedia, es de autor desconocido, pero probablemente de una esclava del sur de los estados unidos cantando a un bebé a quien está cuidando.
La letra es muy bonita y hay un montón de versiones diferentes dando vueltas por el mundo.
También tocamos cuatro más, en el programa de radio "Radiocassette", en IB3, de Marcos Jávega; dos versiones mas y dos del primer disco del marzipan man,
que a base de rodarlas en directo han desarrollado nuevas partes y letras.
dijous, 29 d’octubre del 2009
Halloween/Tots Sants song
During the "Adventures sessions", we are recording some covers,
dimarts, 20 d’octubre del 2009
En casa de Paco
Today and tomorrow, you can see in El Mundo/El Rádar, two songs we played in Paco the Antiquarian's house. We'll put here and on our myspace, the electric version of the second song, with Pichurra Verde on shaker, el Prehome on drums, Bat-Bagette on tambourine, Pollo on guitar and Morticia Adams on keyboards.
dimecres, 30 de setembre del 2009
Hunting for witches
Dear marzipan man,
we've been hunting for evil witches,
summoning 'em with tunes,
(like you told us to do),
takin' photos of them and then dancing Beat Happening's "the Pine Box Rock",
we were caught more than once, and while brewing in a cauldron we found your lyrics, which were part of the brew.
We are sending them to the man-that-draws,
so soon we'll have your new stories printed and ready for being munched.
divendres, 26 de juny del 2009
Der Marzipan Man; / Benvolgut Home de Massapà;
Berlin its a great place for many reasons, / Berlin és un lloc fantàstic. Per moltes raons.
two of them are: / dues d'aquestes raons són:
1. you can go and ask for spaghetti at 2 am in the morning, in a Café,
near a Tube station,
1.pots anar i demanar spagettis a les dues del matí, a un cafè, devora el metro,
2. trains arrive before its scheduled time,
so you nearly feel like paying the train fare.
2.els temps arriben abans de l'hora prevista, així que fa quasi ganes pagar el tiquet
We've made a lot of new friends, / em fet molts d'amics,
two of them are: / dos d'ells son:
1. Tiba, the male dog who is confused with its female name,
1.Tiba, el ca confòs per tenir nome de cussa.
and 2. Michael Heart, who took lots of photographs (like the one above and the one downstairs) and made us climb, jump and fight;
i 2. En Michael Heart, que ens va fer moltes fotos (les que hi han amunt i devall d'aquest missatge) i ens va fer saltar, escalar i lluitar.
to communicate we use a horn now; its more than enough
ara, per comunicar-mos, utilitzem una botzina; n'hi ha mes que suficient
dilluns, 2 de març del 2009
dijous, 19 de febrer del 2009
Marzipan duo
dimarts, 13 de gener del 2009
The Marzipan Man Stories (2007), The Marzipan Man Adventures (2011)
1. The Start
2.I'm free afer all
4.When little Johanna Dances
5.Life goes on
6. Dirty and Rough
7.Dresden Dolls
8.The old man and the young man
9.Owen Ogre
10.The big bad wolf
11.Luve misspelt
12.A spirit
it's on sale here:
it has a nice cover, with a 14 page story...
dimarts, 30 de desembre del 2008
La casa del sol naixent
dilluns, 22 de desembre del 2008
La colgaríamos aquí:
| |
Hacer el mono nos gusta. Nos recuerda a cuando éramos jóvenes, hace millones de años,
Vivíamos felices encima de los arboles y solo nos dieron una voz a cambio para que nos bajásemos. Algunos no vienen de los monos sino de la arcilla etc etc, ese es otro tema. Nosotros, de los monos.
El dia antes dormimos en un hotel-gimnasio-instituto. En Durango era el ultimo día de escuela y estaban todos los chicos y chicas bebiendo sidra a costa del Instituto. Eso es un Instituto molón.
Una chica muy simpática nos dio una hoja con letras y acordes, con este título;
El señor Serious Moustache, que es nuestro mánager psicodélico, nos dijo que probablemente Hasteko abestiak significaba algo parecido a las canciones de las bestias, y con el rollo patatero que llevamos con las fábulas nos pareció fantástico.
Una chica nos dijo, ala!, sois unos bestias! eso significa las canciones de empezar... Me temo que vamos a repetir curso a este paso. Y ya van tres. Un chico muy amable nos prometió partituras con notas musicales y tempos y claves etc etc. Nosotros las sabemos leer muy muy poco a poco y probablemente y normalmente leemos una cosa no parecida del todo a la realidad. Pero sin errores no se aprende...
En Durango comimos alubias muy buenas. Un señor nos dio castañas. Porque Pichurra Verde las miraba fijamente. Y es una chica. Y eso le mola al señor de las castañas. Y las chicas ya se sabe, si quieren, tienen super poderes.
En Durango y en Donosti seguimos nuestra campaña de promoción turística Mallorquina; "con Mallorka, una sonrisa" "Mallorca es tan tan grande que no cabe dentro del mundo" etc etc.
dijous, 18 de desembre del 2008
dimarts, 2 de desembre del 2008
traveling light
dimecres, 19 de novembre del 2008
dijous, 16 d’octubre del 2008
BBC club
this was last tuesday,
at the BBC club, at the BBC, in Great Portland Street;"
"Following your instructions, we´re now using x-ray photographs as a musical instrument. When are you gonna send us a Triangle and a violin girl player?"
[press here for better image quality]
"Esteim a Londres, home de massapà, a 150 milles d'on vius, fent concerts i tocant les teves cançons,
el video és de passat dimarts,
al BBC club, a la BBC, al carrer Great Portland.
Segint les teves ordres, ara utilitzem una radiografia com a instrument musical. Quan ens enviaràs un triangle i una violinista?"
dissabte, 4 d’octubre del 2008
Full Circle 3
later known as the "Pillats" tour.
The day after, Hungover told us we play percussion like shit,
and that the sandwich had disgusting cream cheese.
Sundanese-Gamelan music is perfect van-hangover music;
A la foto feta per en Lukito-xaval, en blanc i negre, els quatre elements de la gira Germandat, després coneguda com la gira "Pillats", on entre altres coses, el Prehome va desaparèixer dins un wàter, le Poulet i en Joselito vàren descobrir que amb sis tequiles seguits podien tocar la bateria-de-puta-mare (mentida) i els entrepans de formatge de n'Emmanuelle-rata-pinyada son els millors. (son en realitat de formatge cremós-fastigós).
La millor música per la furgo-resaca és la música Sundanesa-Gamelan.
diumenge, 28 de setembre del 2008
*Secret Show/Mariachis
Last Friday we played in
It was really good, thanks a lot! The food was good. The hotel was good. The sound was good. The ceiling was close to our heads and so where the walls. And there were a lot of people and it was sweaty and we played loud and quiet. Funnnn
Laika was a stray dog, a vagabond in the streets of
On Saturday, we cooked a show in Bocados Pop (Pop Bites), which is located in Hortalezas [Vegetables (more or less, 75% translation)]
we where hungry after watching people munching' the Marzipan's and Alondra's and Brian's music.
So we went and had some Mexican food after the show. Sort of. Pichurra verde (who plays the kazoo and the horn and paints most of the pictures-on-the-back-when-we-play) petitioned "La de la mochila azul" to the mariachis, and they sang.
It was an intense and emotive moment.
Oh yes we love cheesy things so much.
The lyrics are great;
Que te pasa chiquillo
que te pasa
me dicen en la escuela
y me preguntan en mi casa
Y hasta ahora lo supe de repente
cuando oi pasar la lista
y ella no estuvo presente
La de la mochila azul,
la de ojitos dormilones,
me dejó gran inquietud
y bajas calificaciones
ni al recreo quiero salir
no me divierto con nada
no puedo leer ni escribir
me hace falta su mirada
De recuerdo me quedan
sus colores
dos hojas
del cuaderno
dice amores
entre borrones
yo quisiera
mirarla en su pupitre
por que si ella ya no vuelve
mi salón será muy triste
La de la mochila azul
la de ojitos dormilones
me dejó gran inquietud
y bajas calificaciones
ni al recreo quiero salir
no me divierto con nada
no puedo leer ni escribir
me hace falta su mirada
la de la mochila azul
la de ojitos dormilones
La comida buena, el hotel también y el sonido? Buenooo. El techo y las paredes estavan muy cerca y estava lleno de gente y sudamos y tocamos fuerte y suave. Diversiónnn.
Laika era una perra vagabunda que vivia en las calles de Moscú. Era una perra cariñosa y amable. Su historia es un poco triste. Pero fue la primera astronauta. Un respeto!
El sábado cocinamos un concierto en Bocados Pop, conciertos buenos y gratis en un auditorio en el barrio de Hortalezas,
Teníamos hambre después de ver a la gente masticar durante los tres conciertos,
Así que fuimos a comer comida mejicana, mas o menos. Pichurra Verde (que toca la bocina y el kazoo y pinta la mayor parte de los acuarelas que están detrás mientras tocamos) les pidió que tocaran “la de la mochila azul”. Fue un momento intenso y emotivo.
Somos un poco moñas, la verdad.
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